Tuesday, October 31, 2006

time for a snap shot

this is one of my favorite images... i don't know why, but it always makes me smile :)


bibab said...

glad you like it:)

Ben Nimmo said...

If you cross the road at this particular point, walk fast. Because the grounds might open up and swollow you.

Be aware, Moses. Maybe the pharaoh is crossing the streets.

bibab said...

what the heck!! ben... are you weird????

Ben Nimmo said...

what's so funny about the sign, if not what i wrote?

bibab said...

ok... i get it... ha ha ha :)

Luke said...

hey, yeah! I'm coming in january during the time I mentioned. (c: sorry I never got back to you. I just haven't decided if I should visit for two nights or just one. (also, i'll need a ride from and to the airport.. workable?)