Saturday, March 25, 2006

no words...

it's been a while ... since my last post a lot has happened but it's not things you can put down in words. does that ever happen to you? you know you have learned a great deal... so much has happened in your life, but you just can't find the words to explain.

i have left bahrain... the country where this blog began... kind of weird really... i am sitting here and i wonder if i will even continue with this. it started out of desperation...being in a situation where i could not speak my mind... i needed a place to be me... and i found it in this blog... now i have left that situation... i can be me again... will i still run to this space to speak my mind?

i hope this blog makes people think... sometimes i wonder if i am writing only to myself... actually a lot of time i think i write to look at situations from another point of view... you know how some things can grow into big monsters if you keep it in the dark... i am trying to bring things in the light...

well... here is hoping i will continue to write.... it might be a while though... having access to internet on a ship is not always easy...

Thursday, March 09, 2006

love is a choice

what do you do when you are humiliated in front of a crowd of people? what do you do when you know you are in the right, but are forced to apologize... do i retaliate... to i stand up for myself.... shame the person... or do i just let it go like water of a ducks back? last night i had a choice... to be angry and get my own back... or let it go and believe that in the end it won't make me less of a person?
man... it was a tough decision... i realized last night it is easy to be nice when things are easy... but when the going gets tough... its a whole lot harder to walk the talk.
i hope that last nights situation will make me a better person in the long run... i hope that something like that will never happen again... but when it does... i hope i will be able to be the better person and let it go...

Friday, March 03, 2006

when do you give up?

this last 3 days i have been challenged with the question... when should i give up... when should you stop pushing... stop trying and just leave... when is it a sign to stop... or a sign to keep on going? i still don't have an answer. i guess this is a journey i will have to walk and see where it leads me...