Thursday, March 09, 2006

love is a choice

what do you do when you are humiliated in front of a crowd of people? what do you do when you know you are in the right, but are forced to apologize... do i retaliate... to i stand up for myself.... shame the person... or do i just let it go like water of a ducks back? last night i had a choice... to be angry and get my own back... or let it go and believe that in the end it won't make me less of a person?
man... it was a tough decision... i realized last night it is easy to be nice when things are easy... but when the going gets tough... its a whole lot harder to walk the talk.
i hope that last nights situation will make me a better person in the long run... i hope that something like that will never happen again... but when it does... i hope i will be able to be the better person and let it go...

1 comment:

Luke said...

you should write the kows. we care a good deal (at least I know more than a few of us do!) and it'd be nice to know what these tough times are for you.

glad you have a blog. this is about.. oh, maybe 300x more than i hear from you otherwise. (c: