Sunday, February 26, 2006

do you understand

you know what makes life interesting.... to try and communicate what is going on in your head. i don't know if it is just me... i think in pictures... so i see what i think, but when it comes to explaining that picture i struggle. and i need to remind myself that not everybody can read my mind... so they don't necessarily understand why i am doing and saying the things i do :)makes for interesting conversations!

then you get to telephone conversations!!! and not just any telephone conversations... i am talking conversations with people who has very little or no understanding of english! now you have to understand. i am not discriminating against second language english speakers (i am one) but trying to speak over the phone when you don't have the novelty of hand signals make for interesting dialogue!

can any one explain to me why some people still prefer fax machines to e-mail.... and why do people who has e-mail never check it?

well... i think that is enough complaining for one day...

Friday, February 24, 2006


i am suppose to write to my friends and family back home... why is it that when things are going not so well you hide and dont reach out to people? things are not going bad with me... it is just not going well... i have been working non stop for the last 5 weeks... organizing an event which i hope will impact peoples lives forever... yet in the process i have forgotten why i am doing it... isn't it weird how you can get so bussy with doing STUFF that you forget why you are doing it in the first place... and i think that is when you get tired... burn out... freak out... or loose interest. i am at a stage in life where i really have to re-evaluate why i am doing what i am doing:
-is it because i am a good person and want to do good things (this last month i was wishing to just through in the towel and go home... so i think not)
-is it because i have guilt inside and am trying to redeem myself (possibly...who of us has never done something sinfull before?)
-or is it because i have nothing better to do (oh i hope not! :))

no... i guess i am doing it because i know this is where i am suppose to be at the moment... i am doing it because its not just for my benefit... it is for the benefit of others... but it doesn't make it easy... sometimes doing the right thing is the hardest thing to do... it takes faith to believe that what you are doing is rihgt.

how many?

I mentioned that i travel the seven sees... this is to show how many countries i have visited. It was a suprize to see how much i still need to see... the world is BIG

in the beginning

well... for the past month i have been introduced to the blog world... i have enjoyed reading others view of life, and i felt like it is my turn to speak up... what am i hoping from this... don't really know...
i am in bahrain at the moment. woken up every morning by the call to prayer... surrounded by people trying to earn forgivness by doing... i am a spectator... looking in from the outside... i see alot of rituals... i see alot of laws... and i see now assurance...
i have my own truth... for me and people like me its the only truth... the question... how can it become truth to others? this one topic has caused more arguments, battles and broken relationships than any thing else...
i am probably confusing you... thats ok... i understand... but i needed to share it with others... i am on a journey... you can join me, or just observe... after all... this is my journey...