Sunday, February 26, 2006

do you understand

you know what makes life interesting.... to try and communicate what is going on in your head. i don't know if it is just me... i think in pictures... so i see what i think, but when it comes to explaining that picture i struggle. and i need to remind myself that not everybody can read my mind... so they don't necessarily understand why i am doing and saying the things i do :)makes for interesting conversations!

then you get to telephone conversations!!! and not just any telephone conversations... i am talking conversations with people who has very little or no understanding of english! now you have to understand. i am not discriminating against second language english speakers (i am one) but trying to speak over the phone when you don't have the novelty of hand signals make for interesting dialogue!

can any one explain to me why some people still prefer fax machines to e-mail.... and why do people who has e-mail never check it?

well... i think that is enough complaining for one day...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's all I can say!