Saturday, May 27, 2006


"Da Vinci Code" the controversial movie that just hit the big screen… what a load of rubbish… i felt it was mediocre when i read the book, and after seeing the movie, i actually thought the book was better. i am convinced that if it wasn’t for the subject, the book would not have sold, and the movie would never have been made. the book is the type of book you read as a no brainer, you take it with you to the beach to do something while soaking up the sun… the movie… as always the movie is never as good as the book. i found it quite confusing, and i didn’t read the book, i probably won’t have had an idea what was going on. i think tom hanks was a smart man… he saw an opportunity to make a lot of money with a so-so movie.
why people are freaking out about this i don’t understand, there is not an ounce of truth in it… watch it as fiction… but i would actually recommend you to borrow someone else’s dvd if you really want to watch it… really not worth spending the money for the big screen teather!

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